
BH&HPA Next Generation Network

BH&HPA Next Generation Network

Industry leaders set to mentor tomorrow’s holiday park chiefs. The BH&HPA Next Generation Network (NGN) – is a new group designed to support members moving to a new stage in their holiday park career – has recently launched an industry-specific mentoring scheme.

Future caravan and holiday park leaders destined to take the helm of their family businesses or assume more responsibility can benefit from free, one-to-one mentoring to help them prepare for their next move.

The scheme enables NGN members to match their needs with the expertise of holiday and residential park professionals from other organisations who can offer extensive hands-on management experience.

Vital Knowledge and Skills through BH&HPA Next Generation Network

Next Generation Network Chair Sarah Kemp, herself part of a family-owned park business, says the self-service initiative will prove invaluable in equipping members with vital knowledge, skills and confidence.

She says it will add an important dimension to NGN’s mission of bringing together tomorrow’s park principals within a dynamic and mutually supportive community.
There are around 40 mentors to choose from, including many senior industry figures, whose specialisms range from marketing and people management to sustainability and business expansion.

Holiday Park Mentoring Scheme

Sarah Kemp, a practising solicitor whose parents own three holiday parks in East Yorkshire, says she is delighted at the interest generated by NGN since its inception last year:

“Many members are currently involved in their family’s park business and are waiting in the wings until they have a commanding say in its direction of travel,” she said.
“We want to help them on that journey by putting members in touch with each other and provide opportunities for their interacting both socially and in a business sense.
“NGN has already held a number of successful get-togethers for members. It’s clear we all share an ambition to make sure we’re fully prepared for driving our businesses forward.

“The new mentoring scheme is an important step along that path. We’re so grateful to the many park leaders who have volunteered share their skills,” added Sarah.

Although sessions are designed to be informal in nature, she said, the website provides guidance on how they can be structured to ensure the maximum gain for all parties.

More information about the Next Generation Network, including the mentoring facility and how to obtain free membership of the group, is available at

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