Charity chiefs praise holiday park inspiring a £10,000 windfall

Two senior figures from one of Britain’s largest cancer charities travelled to Cumbria recently to thank a local holiday owner who inspired a massive £10,000 donation.
Michael Holgate of Holgates Holiday Parks was the driving force behind a year-long fundraising campaign in the village of Silverdale for Pancreatic Cancer UK.
It involved a raft of different activities, and was supported both by staff on his six holiday parks, and by residents of Silverdale and other surrounding communities.

Pancreatic Cancer UK was adopted as the park group’s principal charity after Michael’s father, Frank Holgate, died from the disease three years ago.
Accepting the cheque were the charity’s London-based national corporate fundraising officer Amy Hannagan, and NW community coordinator Lynn Quigley.
Amy said that the energy, flair and imagination invested by everyone concerned during the 12-month fundraising bid had resulted in a massive boost for the charity’s highly valued work.
Initiatives included fitness challenges in Silverdale park’s gym, staff dressing in purple plumage on the national awareness day for Pancreatic Cancer UK, and cake sales and quizzes.
Funds were also bolstered by a highly successful ceilidh in the village, and a sponsored walk around local beauty spot Arnside Knott, both enthusiastically supported by local residents.

“Many of the amazing fundraising ideas came from our staff, and they all deserve a huge pat on the back for the time and effort they put in to planning the different events,” said Michael.
“Pancreatic Cancer UK does a fantastic job in helping those diagnosed with the disease to receive the very best treatment and care, and in supporting the families of sufferers.
“Sadly, my father’s death came just before his business marked its sixtieth anniversary, which he would have been justifiably proud to celebrate with his family and many friends.
“Frank was in his mid-seventies, but I have also known other and much younger people than my father who have been affected by pancreatic cancer.
“That’s why we have directed much of our business’s fundraising efforts to helping this charity’s pioneering research work and the help it brings to those with a diagnosis,” said Michael.
The total amount raised by the parks came to £9038.00, but Michael said that his preference for round numbers led the business to top up the overall donation to £10,000.