
Devon Tourism Business of the Year

Devon Tourism Business of the Year

Paignton park pulls off hat trick in Devon business awards. Beverley Holidays is celebrating a triple triumph after it was named as Devon Tourism Business of the Year for the third year in succession.

Competition judges announced the family-run park’s success at the at the glittering 2024 Naturally Inspiring Business Awards ceremony this summer.

Organised by the Torbay Weekly newspaper, the event at Paignton’s Riviera International Centre was attended by tourism chiefs and other VIP guests from across the county.

But the judges hadn’t finished yet with Beverley’s accolades because the business also took first place in the competition’s Inspiring Employer of the Year category.

Stepping up to receive the two Devon Tourism Business of the Year awards and the congratulations of judges were Beverley Holidays directors Claire Flower, Nicola Furneaux and Gary Furneaux.

Celebrating 65 Years of Holiday Parks in Devon

The business last year marked its 65th anniversary, and was started originally by Claire and Nicola’s grandparents in the 1950s.

It is today one of Devon’s best known holiday park enterprises providing over 50,000 bed nights each year and employing up to 180 people in the main holiday season.

The competition’s Tourism Business of the Year award took into account the high level of investment made recently by Beverley in improving still further the experience of visitors.

They include the £250k development of a new range of luxury lodges providing top-end furnishings and fittings, private hot tubs, and spectacular sea views.

Beverley’s Inspiring Employer of the Year award recognised the way in which Beverley encourages its team members to realise their career ambitions and reach their full potential.

Investing in Devon Tourism

The park maintains 70 full-time posts all year round with training opportunities for those seeking a career in tourism and hospitality, and provides a wide range of employee benefits.

Director Claire Flower said: “We are beyond thrilled to have won not just one but two top awards, and to be able to share those successes with our outstanding team.

“We have always believed that happy holidays begin with a happy workforce, and it is their friendliness and efficiency which provides our guests with magical holiday memories.

“By investing constantly in our park and in our people, we are able to play a major role in the tourism economy of South Devon and support many other local businesses.

“It’s proving a very busy year for us, and these awards are the icing on the cake” said Claire who is also Vice Chair of the national British Holiday and Home Parks Association.

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